スターバックスはなぜオーストラリアから撤退したのか? Why did Starbucks leave from the Australian maket?



It's a bit of out-dated, but an article caught my attention before. So I decided to research and write an article on this topic.
 A Cup of Coffee on Brown Wooden Table With Coffee Seeds


The place where you spend some relaxing and quality time, enjoying the conversation with your friends or bring your favorite books like comics etc...
That's a coffee shop!
You can easily find Starbucks everywhere in an urban jungle.It's well know in Japan.
Seattle-based chain,Starbucks has more than 28,000  owned-chains/franchised-chains in 76 markets. ”quoted from CNBC”
I have already mentioned it above on  the heading, the only market where successful Starbucks has struggled is in Australia.
While I was in Australia, I rarely saw Starbucks. when I visited Starbucks in Melbourne,
most of the customers were Asians.
What went wrong with Starbucks in Australia.
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I digged in this matter deeper.


その1 地元のコーヒーショップがオーストラリア人に好まれている。
No,1 Australians prefer local coffee shops.


They consider a coffee shop as a place where people meet each other or have a conversation with local Baristas. Coffee might be just a part of it. Australians like meeting new people.
There is a place called Pokies in almost every city and you can enjoy playing slot machines there. 
It's always crowded there on weekends. It's not only a gambling place but also a place where you can watch live Australian-football games on TV while drinking alcohol with their mates.(mates is Aussie slang for friends)
Aside from playing table games, there are people who enjoy a gig or conversation with their mates.
Coffee shop could provide a place where people get together for Aussie.
その2 値段が高い
No,2  It's expensive

 Woman Using Space Gray Iphone X

Australia is one of the countries with well-developed social security.
There are 3 different types of employment status in Australia.
・フルタイム ・パートタイム ・カジュアル
・Full-time  ・part-time   ・ casual
Full-time(38 hours/week with annual paid leave) and part-time (the working hours/week is fixed with annual paid leave) get paid 16.87 (1400 yen)AU dollars for the minimum calculated based on 2014.
casual workers get paid 1750 yen (25% more without any guarantee of working hours or paid leave).
What's more, the workers get paid 1.2 times on Saturday, 1.5 times on Sunday, even 2
times on holidays. Plus they get extra payment for early morning/mid night allowance.
For example, if you work 8 hours at a restaurant for 20 dollars/per hour. YOU GET 25,000 YEN(20 $×2×8 hrs=320$≒25,000).
素晴らしい国ですね( ^^)
Except from those factors, owners have to pay for an expensive utility costs and rent.
You can also find Starbucks in the Philippines but the costs are added on the price. It's more than 300 yen for one cup of coffee that you only pay 20-30 yen at a convenience store there.
安い人件費(ヒィリピンの平均年収48万円 「平均年収.jpより」)やその他の家賃や高熱費などを考えても経費はオーストラリアのとは比べ物にならないくらい安いです。
With the cheap labors
(The average income is about 480,000 per year ”quoted from 平均年収.jp") and other expenses including rent and utility,it's still way much less costly compared with the ones in Australia.
If you think that most customers are tourists, expats, and International students, you can easily tell that it's profitable, can you!?

その3 その国の文化を無視して独自のスタイルを押し進めた。


No,3  They forced their own way without thinking about the culture .
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There is a saying " When in Rome, do what as the Romans do". As is true of business.
They offer spaghetti and rice in the Mcdonald's in the Philippines.
spaghtti's flavor in the Philippines is way much sweeter than Japanese spaghetti.
(way back then, they couldn't grow tomatoes and imported ones were expensive, so, they use banana ketchup instead. The custom still remains nowadays). According to my GF.
Each country has each food cultures developed.
Australians have been introduced to espresso when Italian and Greek immigrants begun
moving to the country in the mid 1900s and espresso culture spreaded across the continent.
They didn't like the expensive American-style coffee, which is augmented by hundreds of ounces of sugar and huge quantities of milk.
The  market is too huge to lose and Starbucks has already been licensed by Withers Group, which runs 7-eleven stores in Australia trying to turn around the fortunes.
2018年の暮れにコーヒーの本場、イタリアでの展開を発表しました。今後どうなるか楽しみですね ('ω')ノ
Starbucks also announced that they are going to launch the first store in Italy, rich in coffee culture. Starbucks keeps attracting attentions for their future developments:)
